16th Sept 2017

21st Oct 2017

A fast paced 3 week long botanical whirlwind tour through the mountain ranges of Patagonia with Bella and Barbara from the ORG&HPS society in Toronto
Alan McMurtrie. Alan's presentation is focused on the propagation and breeding of new Iris reticulata varieties.
11th Nov 2017

Trish Murphy is the owner of the Beaux Arbes nursery in the Shawville. Trish will be giving a presentation about Ontarian rock landscapes, Alvars Barrens, Coastlines and some of the interesting native plants to be found on them. This meeting starts 1/2 hr earlier then normal @ 1:00 pm
10th Feb 2018
10th March 2018
7th April 2018
Join long time member Phil Reilly on his botanical trip through parts of Ireland
Join us for Darren Heimbecker's talk on his rock garden in Whistling Garden - Canada's newest botanical garden
Elements of Bonsai in the rock garden presented by Vianney Leduc
Bus trip to the Peterborough Garden Show April 14th (details). This trip was cancelled at the last minute due to an ice/snow storm predicted for the day. We hope to reschedule for 2019

7th April 2018